
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Its Official

New Orleans home of  Mardi Gras, Lil Wayne, Jazz music at its best and the uproar of Hurricane Katrina.Other than that the N.O has spit out and birthed someone that has burst on the female battle rap scene like a 10 car pile up on I 95.That someone is Official aka Jessica Fisher age 20.Official is one of female battle rap's thorn in the side.She's a terror on the loose and has a hit list in her back pocket and has been checking off names.
Queen Of the Ring been nursing this pup and as for the looks of things been feeding her female flesh.Official is on a war path and I don't think she's going to stop till everybody that's on top is under her feet. Battlerapics caught up with the New Orleans first lady and ask her a few questions about her direction and her presence in the battle rap culture.

1.How did you get into battle rap and why?                                                                                 Official : I got into battle rap because I used to do it in high school for lunch time. I've always felt I could beat alot of people so I tried it.

2. You've been on a war path of a come up battling in any and every league,
How does it feel to be on the "Big Stage" of Queen Of The Ring? 
Official: It feels great because I feel this is where I belong. I deserve to be on the big stage and battling the big names.

You been making your opponents stepped their bars up like Prophet and Banko, Do you think you put fear in the hearts of those you called out like C3, Misfit, and Couture? 
Official:Of course I'm pretty sure the chicks that I called out know I am very good  so that means they are gonna step they barz up. I would probably be the hardest comp they are going to have and I think they know it.

4.What is the battle rap scene like in New Orleans, is female battle rap taken seriously there? 
Official:The battle scene is very small but 90 percent of the rappers are extremely talented. Its not to many females battling in New Orleans but every body takes me serious especially since I battled some top dudes down there.

5. Being from New Orleans were you affected by hurricane Katrina? If so elaborate.
.Yes I was affected by Katrina I was 12 years old to be honest,  Katrina really is the reason I wanted to become a rapper.

6.What battle rapper you think right now would give you the most trouble if you battled them now? 
Official:  40 and Ms Hustle

7. We've seen you take out male battle rappers before, so who in the URL would you like to battle and why?
OfficialI would love to battle LottaZay and he said he would love to battle me also.I admire him I'm a big fan he is an amazing writer and I feel if I can keep up with him I can keep up with anybody, I love a challenge.

8. We all really wanted to see you battle Kwanii Kush , how do you feel about the whole female ghost writing fiasco?
OfficialI hate the fact that Kwanii had a ghostwriter because it made it so hard on females like me. Now people feel all good females have a ghostwriter and it makes you question what are you really doing this for if nobody believe you are the one behind 
the pen.

9.Outside of battle rap what else is Official good at?
 OfficialI'm good at nothing lol, rapping is the only talent I really have I mean I can dance but everybody can do a two step lol. I feel rapping takes up for all the other talents I lack I feel that's why 
I'm so good.

10.If you were able to speak at a Presidential event in front of millions of people what would you say?
OfficialI would tell them to support the young talented people thats out here trying to do something with what they have. I would tell them that battle rap is very important to the rap culture and that female mc's need more support and people to back them.

Fun Fan Questions
1.Favorite ice cream? 
2.Favorite food? 
Hot Wings
3.Favorite footwear brand? 
Nike and Jordan
4.Favorite movie? 
Friday and Matilda
5.What key element you like in your signifigant other?
 A sense of humor
6.Your favorite website? 
7.Coke or pepsi? 
8. Heels or Sneakers?
Sneakers but heels when im going out
9. Xbox or Playstation? 
10.Iphone or Android?
11.Name your favorite Battlerapics comic? 
Me when I get one lol
12.Your favorite perfume? 
13.Lingerie or T-shirt and panties? 
T shirt and panties 
14.Jesus or Allah?
15.If you were stranded on an island what 3 things you would want to have. 
A pen, notebook, and my boyfriend lol                                                                                       

Instagram @officialrealrap

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